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Item #40: Annotated Book

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Jaycee Jarvis

Jaycee Jarvis is an award winning fantasy romance author, who combines heartfelt romance with immersive magical worlds. When not lost in worlds of her own creation, she lives in the Pacific Northwest with her spouse, three children and a menagerie of pets.

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In a sultry magical realm, an enchanting Lady ensnares a virtuous tax-collector into her dangerous double life.

Lady by day, lockpick by night, Em has some serious misgivings about her latest sneak job. It stinks of espionage, and she’d be more comfortable with straightforward theft. Her intuition proves right when she is confronted by her client, a sweet and sexy mind-reading tax-collector named Quintin. The job turns sour when they are discovered by his blackmailing boss. Posing as lovers to throw off the scent, their passionate embrace haunts Em even as she returns to her brittle facade as a pampered Lady of the Realm.

This double life is further threatened when her criminal contact is thrown in the stocks, leaving her in danger of exposure, and even

worse, with no way to support the temple that has been her responsibility since her mother’s death. In desperation, she seeks Quintin out and is horrified to discover he is a Hand of Destin, marked for service to the Troika by a feline familiar. Hands are loyal and true, defenders of the weak, upholders of the law, notoriously honor-bound. In short, everything that she, a willing outlaw, is not.

Despite their differences, the attraction between Em and Quintin only grows stronger, even as she seeks out new ways to earn the beans she needs for her temple. When Em’s father starts talking marriage settlements with a wealthy, but odious, suitor, Em realizes just how much Quintin means to her. But can she find a way to save her temple and still marry her poor but perfect tax collector?

Annotated means Jaycee goes through the book and make notes in the margins about inspiration, world building secrets, her writing process--kind of a "behind the scenes" extra.

Any bids submitted before 12:00am on Monday, April 3, 2023 or after 8:59:59pm EST on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 will be deleted.

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